Sunday is a beautiful day we spend in the presence of the Lord after the whole hustling and bustling of the week. I always look forward to Sundays, and it’s a day that feels so special to me. Growing up with my grandam some years back, I prepare for Sunday like I’m preparing for a final exam.
Every time I remember how my Sunday School was those days, I feel returning to them. Although I was a small boy then, those memories still run through my mind now and then. Our Sunday School days were powerful and the faith I had in all my teachers taught then.
I remember on a particular Sunday morning in our children’s class, we were asked to close our eyes and pray that the Holy Spirit should descend like a dove upon us. I was so concentrated and prayed with all my heart and suddenly I felt something on my head, the Holy Spirit has descended upon me I said.
I was so focused and didn’t move an inch till the prayers ended because I didn’t want Him to run away. When the prayers ended I saw my teacher beside me removing a paper my classmate placed on my head during prayers, ditching out a serious warning to the boy on how he will be dealt with should he try that later. She told me sorry. I felt disappointed the same way you reading this also felt, smile… You also thought it was the Holy Spirit right?

Although I was a child then, I had this strong faith and belief in my teachers and what they said to us. I believed strongly that no matter what I pray for, I’m able to receive and even after the scenario of that Sunday, I never ceased to believe in God and the power of prayers. Although it was a paper in physical, I truly felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life that day, and even when my teacher warned the boy who dropped the paper, I remember feeling His presence even after the paper was taken out of my head.
The Holy Spirit resides in every one of us but most times we want this physical appearance of Him, and when we don’t get that, we begin to doubt His existence. We want to see Him like we see our friends which of course is possible but will take years of hard work and commitment alongside consistent fellowship.
I left the church blessed that day. Although I didn’t see the Holy Spirit in person, I felt Him in me, and that memory stays till today.
As you go out this week, believe in His existence, and talk to Him even when you’re not getting a response or not sure if the response you’re getting is truly from Him. Keep communing with Him, discuss your plans with Him, tell Him to help you out and also make ways for you where you need a way with time, you’ll understand His way of communication with you, and with time you’ll be able to recognize His voice and sooner or later as you’ve always imagined, you’ll hear Him audibly and also get to a physical view of Him.
Happy Sunday to you my friend
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